Getting to know you...getting you know all about you...
Week 1: Frank at PowerCranks, as well as my coach, recommended I spend my first few rides on the trainer, because it would give me the best opportunity to "normalize" to the cranks without getting myself stranded somewhere. This became particularly evident during my first ride on the trainer where I struggled to develop a consistent cadence that would allow me to ride for more than 30 seconds at a time. (Mental note: Entertaining TV [in this case BBC Top Gear] is not the best thing to watch when you're trying your first few rides on PowerCranks) By the end of my second ride I was starting to develop a rhythm that allowed me to ride for several minutes at a time without "breaking" the connection.
Week 2: During the 2nd week I finally felt confident enough to ride outside for the first time and I asked my wife to keep her phone handy in case I found myself woefully unable to pedal my bike after an hour of riding. What I can say from the initial rides outside are (1) you don't really realize how much you tend to stand while riding until you cannot stand, (2) you do really end up riding faster, and (3) you find out that you have muscles that you haven't been using a ton during your "normal" riding. After two outside rides (90 min and then 120 min) I found my gluts and internal quads were more activated and tired than they are after normal rides and felt more engaged. During my third ride I tried to climb up a small roller and quickly found than I didn't have that level of coordination yet...
Week 3: This week I haven't had a chance to ride my PowerCranks that much, because I've been focusing on racing as well as a few targeted power tests. What I can say is that after less than 3 weeks of riding I set two new power records (30 sec and 10 min) during the past 3 days, which is exciting and unexpected.
Weight: 71kg
30 sec - 765 watts
10 min - 367 watts
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